Network Display Controls: Network Display
Network Display enables users to customise the mapping display of all locations within a Network to help interpretability and visualisation of a Network. This includes features such as labelling, displaying boundaries and markers. If users wish to perform these features on a few select locations this can be done through Select Multiple Locations read more here.
Customising Your Display - Step by Step
There are four key sections within Display Controls, these consist of:
Deselecting Markers
Markers, deselecting this will remove all pins from being displayed on the network. It will still retain the Trade Area of the site however as seen on the right.
Labels, selecting this will provide the location name as a small label below the Marker.
Enabling Labels
Boundaries, enables users to choose between two options.
Outline shows the border of all location’s Trade Area within a network as shown to the right.
Fill colours in the Trade Area, to help distinguish the locations Trade Area over the underlying map. This can also be useful to visualise overlaps between locations.
Boundaries - Outline option
Network on Top, enables a user to choose between a “Passive Network” or their current Active Network as being displayed on top. Depending on either option being selected this will display the selected networks pins above the other network.
Further options - Icon and Settings
Icon - Enables users to customise the location pins. Read more here
Settings - Filter locations and modify Tags. Read more here